What You Missed on Twitter This Week

In Brand Promotion by DistilityLeave a Comment

Twitter branding content like a fast moving train

@1day1brand top tweets for the week ending May 6, 2011. The speed of information dissemination has accelerated.  Keeping up can be a breathless activity.  To help keep up on how branding can help your business, Distility @1day1brand offers a recap of this week’s top @1day1brand tweets. 

Branding Green

  • Thinking Big – Method Home Cleans Up With Style and (Toxic-Free) Substance. http://ow.ly/4MQEV

 Brand Trends

This week’s Top Distility Rebranding Branding Content


Twitter Tips and Jargon for the uninitiated

When you only have 140 characters to work with, you need to be creative and embrace character saving short-forms.   While some English twitter short-forms have found their way into tweets by Francophones, there are also excellent French language ones which are worth notice and use; some of the French abbrevations are shorter and — truth be told —  simply more clever.

English French
TTYL (Talk to you later) A+ (à plus tard)
Where are you? t où? (t’es où?)
LOL (Laughing out loud) mdr (mort de rire)
FYI (For your information) pvi (pour votre information)
Why “pk” or “pq” (pourquoi)
Because pcq (parce que)
I love you je tm  (je t’aime)

For a more words and phrases to use in your next gazouillis (tweet), visit the C’est La Vie program page at www.cbc.ca.