Thursday October 14, 2010 marked an important milestone for Distility Branding as both a growing branding agency and industry innovator. On October 14, 2010, Distility’s USPTO provisional patent application DISTL-00100 “Method Of Visualizing The Collective Opinion Of A Group” was accepted for filing with the US Patent Office and was assigned provisional patent number 61/393,283. This patent has been many years in development and has involved an especially intense period over the past year.
What does this mean for our clients and future clients?
Massive Branding
You already know that we get branding done – quickly, collaboratively and authentically. But did you know that to do it in a one day, we have had to limit the number of participants that attend Distility 1day1brand to twelve people? Now we’re going to be able to blow the roof off that limit. The technology set out in our provisional patent will allows us to work to increase the number of participants to suit our clients’ needs and desires.
Even Better Decisions & Brands
The immediate impact is that we can now launch our software which embodies the provisional patent technology into our next Distility 1day1brand engagement. The “Method Of Visualizing The Collective Opinion Of A Group” allows us to: (i) do what we’ve always done more quickly thereby allowing more time for deeper team discussions, and (ii) further our best practices for collaborative decision making by reducing group-think and disengagement risks from our method.
We want to thank and acknowledge the team who has worked closely with Distility founder Axle Davids on this invention. The team that have moved the patent to its provisional filing are:
Grace Yeung, Vincent Lo, Stephen Zweig, and Edward Howie. We also want to acknowledge the work from former team members Cathy Kwong, Patric Dugas, and Terri-Leigh Holbeche.
In the next weeks we’ll be announcing a new, even better, version of Distility 1day1brand. If you aren’t already a part of the Distility community, register for our newsletter (below) or blog (above) to be first to see it in action.