Distility Branding Helps Develop a Compelling and Competitive Brand
Distility Branding was honored to have the opportunity to develop the brand for Changing Dimensions, our firm of record for Executive & Team Coaching. Changing Dimensions’ original brand dated back to the origin of the firm. But the brand no longer reflected the depth of experience developed over the past eight years. At the invitation of Distility Branding, Changing Dimensions went through our Distility 1day1brand, and emerged focused on a brand promise, position and personality that while remaining authentic, were now far more compelling and competitive.
The new brand promise is also the firm’s tagline “Change how you see. See how you change.” The positioning is now “Deeper Insight” reflecting the firm’s ability to work with Executives and Team’s to more quickly achieve insight. The personality of the firm was afirmed as “Seasoned, Genuine, Intuitive and Light-hearted”.
Immediately after Distility 1day1brand, work began on a new wordmark, brand concept, and applications.


Business Card

Presentation Templates
This was our first project to use the Distility Design workflow, wherin we develop a wordmark and brand concept in parrallel, and once approved create business systems and designs that all derive from the already approved brand concept, thus increasing efficiencies for both Changing Dimensions and Distility Branding.