Mission statements are a dirty little secret

Mission Statements – Our Dirty Little Secret

In Branding Evaluation by Distility2869 Comments

Mission Statements Make Me Cry

They are typically misunderstood, impractical, and poorly facilitated. Nobody remembers them except those that have the misfortune of having them mounted on a plaque in their lobby. And frankly, even then they don’t remember it.

So what do we do when someone comes to our firm and says they need a Mission Statement? We make sure they understand that a mission statement is not a marketing tool. A quality mission statement is a part of a business strategy – not a brand strategy. Usually these folks realize that what will really help them improve their business is a better brand promise, brand positioning and brand personality.

Brand promise, brand position, brand personality

From the Distility Brand Strategy Model

Unlike Mission Statements, Brand Connects With Teams

  • The brand promise is the fusion of the customer’s need and your team’s passion.
  • The brand position is why the customer should resolve their need with your brand, instead of the competition.
  • The brand personality is how you deliver.

Make Mission Statements the Exception, Not the Rule

Use mission statements only if you are looking for a leadership tool. And then be sure you develop mission and vision and values for your organization.